laura bagging a burmese python

Florida Snake Wranglers: How We Learned How to Catch Burmese Pythons

For a date, most couples go to dinner and a movie. Us? We learn how to wrangle snakes. Big ones, at that. The whole learning process is extremely exhilarating, to say the least. If you’ve ever been keen to learn how to catch Burmese pythons, we’ll show you how we did it and what steps to take so you can learn too!

burmese python skin
The Burmese python is an invasive species in South Florida!

Disclosure: This is NOT a certified training to catch Burmese pythons. But rather, a story about our experience on how we learned. Read on to find out how you can learn too.

Why would you catch Burmese Pythons, anyway?

Just like lionfish and iguanas, Burmese pythons are an invasive species in Florida. Likely brought here from the exotic pet trade.

What makes it invasive? The combination of size (up to 20 feet!) and appetite are a deadly combo to the local ecosystem. Amazingly, the snake is even known to eat alligators!!!

This has left wildlife biologists in a tizzy. This snake is devastating native animal populations, wreaking havoc in vital environments like the Everglades, and yet, no other animals eat them. What can we do?

Introduce: training humans to catch the MASSIVE snakes!

Learning how to catch Burmese pythons

Sounds crazy, right?! We thought so too.

We had seen the wild videos of people catching pythons out in the marsh but never imagined we’d actually learn how to do the same thing!

That is, until we came across a class that teaches you to do exactly that! Why not, we thought? Seems like it’d be an adrenaline rush.

It was.

fwc instructor for snakes
A trained professional teaches the group how to catch the Burmese python.

The Class: Python Patrol

Python Patrol: a FREE class hosted by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). Their goal is stated as:

…to create a network of trained individuals throughout south Florida who know how to identify Burmese pythons, report sightings, and in some cases, capture and humanely kill the snakes.

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Scheduled every so often, the 2 – 3 hour long course typically occurs in south and southwest Florida (that’s where the pythons are invading). The program is NOT for the faint of heart and you must be 18 to register.

What to expect while learning how to catch Burmese pythons

The class is structured into two sections: a presentation and the practical (catching the snake).

Here’s a few things we learned during the presentation:

  • How to identify a Burmese python from other snakes. (spots vs blotches vs stripes vs diamonds. Ugh, confusing)
  • Where to look for the snakes. (it’s really just a game of hide and seek)
  • Where you can legally hunt for them. (different places have different rules, of course)
  • How to spot the snake from afar. (evolution was far too kind to these creatures)
  • What necessary tools you need to catch the Burmese python. (believe it or not, there is such thing as a snake hook)
  • How to humanely kill the python. (it’s the right thing to do)
  • Why you must ALWAYS have at least two people when hunting for pythons. (these things are actually pretty strong)
  • Why to ONLY hunt if you’ve been properly trained. (it’s not hard to figure out why. After all, it is a 20 FOOT SNAKE!!)
  • And most importantly, the techniques on how to catch Burmese pythons (that is what we are here to do, isn’t it?)

And much more. They even give you a great pocket guide for snake identification if you’re out in the field! Yay!

Catching the Snake

After the presentation you go and put your new skills to the test! The FWC ranger puts around 25 bags of Burmese pythons out in the sun to “warm the snakes up”.

It’s go time.

A HUGE Burmese python is dropped out of one of the bags and the ranger asks, “who’s ready”. Certainly not me.

One by one participants in the class go and catch their snakes. My heart is pounding because I know it’s going to be my turn soon. I mean, looking at these things is terrifying, their size is ranging from a few feet to a couple of monsters!

So seemingly without an ounce of fear, my better half, Laura steps up to the plate. No way I was going to go first. Good for her!

And judging by the picture, I’d say she was pretty successful!

laura wrangled a burmese python
Snake wrangler extraordinaire!

At this point, I couldn’t let Laura completely show me up. So, I finally stepped up and caught me a Burmese python. A big ole guy too!

andrew catching a burmese python


learning how to catch a burmese python
Once caught, the snakes are put back into their bags to be used for training in the future.

The instructor calmly and carefully helps you handle the snake to guide it back into the bag. All the while, mine actually wrapped around my arm!

Woof, glad that’s over but SO happy we did it! Well worth the adrenaline rush!

Some notes when learning how to catch the Burmese Python

  • The instructor walks with you step by step ensuring both you and the snake are safe.
  • They review every motion and action you need to take to ensure you have a proper catch.
  • The snakes are safely put back into the bags to be used for the next training course.
  • The whole class is 100% safe, engaging, informative, and incredibly fun!

Why you should learn how to catch Burmese pythons

  • It helps the environment we all love and depend on. (woohoo!)
  • It’s a fun and interactive way to help nature. (you get the idea)
  • Removing Burmese pythons can literally pay you. (sounds like a job I could get into)
  • A new skill learned and knowledge gained. (worth more than gold, no?)
  • You can eat them if you really want to. (can’t say I’ve tried it nor did they recommend the taste, but to each their own)

Resources about the Burmese python program:

laura bagging a burmese python

Would you learn how to catch Burmese pythons?

Snakes are scary! So we get why you wouldn’t want to do it. We can assure, though, it’s a GREAT way to get out of your comfort zone and to try something new!

Would you take the class? Even if you did, would you want to go out into the wild and try to catch the pythons yourself? We want to hear from you! Comment below or contact us with any questions you have! Happy hunting!

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Read More About Invasive Species in Florida

We hope you enjoyed our post on how we learned how to catch Burmese pythons. Hopefully you’ll find it useful on your next adventure! Here are a few more ocean-loving articles we think you should read next:

Do you have any experience with Burmese pythons? Let us know and leave a comment below!

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