using a pole spear and zookeeper hunting lionfish

Lionfish Hunting Gear: Best Containment Unit

No lionfish hunting gear collection is complete without a trusty lionfish containment unit! A few models exist so we’re breaking them all down so you can make an informed decision on which one is best for you.

using a pole spear and zookeeper hunting lionfish
Your Lionfish Hunting Gear collection isn’t complete without a lionfish containment unit!

Selecting the Best Lionfish Containment Unit

Lionfish hunting requires special gear for successfully removing the invasive species from our coral reefs in the Western Atlantic. First, get yourself a pole spear – an underwater tool you’ll use to pierce your prey.

Secondly, you need a containment unit to secure your freshly speared lionfish. After all, they have 18 venomous spines that pack a wallop of pain if accidentally poked. Believe us, it’s not fun.

This article dives into our selections for best lionfish containment units while hunting for the invasive species. From catch bags to handy lionfish tubes, we’ve used them all and we’re here to let you know which ones are worth your hard earned dollars.

lionfish containment unit pin to pinterest

Factors to consider when selecting a lionfish containment unit

When selecting a lionfish containment unit, we recommend considering these factors:

  • Safety. Will you accidentally get stung while the lionfish is in the unit?
  • Streamline. How easy do you move underwater while carrying the containment unit? Are there points to clip the lionfish catch bag/tube to your BCD while scuba diving?
  • Travel compatibility. How easy is it to move from point A to point B? Does it fit in your dive bag or suitcase?
  • Cost. I mean, who doesn’t consider cost in any and every purchase they make?
  • Ease of inserting lionfish. How easy is it to put your catch into the containment unit?
  • Ease of removing lionfish from containment system. At the end of your dive, how easy is it to remove the lionfish out of your container and into your cooler?

Ranking the Best Lionfish Containment Systems

We’ve used all of these containment systems in one way or another. Some, by happenstance. Others because they’re the best on the market. We’ll let you decide for yourself.

woman with lionfish on spear while scuba diving

Lionfish Catch Bags

Lionfish catch bags shouldn’t be your first choice, if possible. However, they are cost effective and much easier to travel with than the bulkier options as they can literally roll right up.

The danger? Lionfish are difficult to insert into the bag and you run a greater risk of accidentally poking yourself with a venomous spine!

But, if you want to save a buck and willing to exercise a little caution, here are two viable options:

4. Spearfishing Catch Bag

Admittedly, we’ve used one of these a time or two. And it’s usually because we were hunting something else only to stumble upon a lionfish while scuba diving. It works, but we don’t recommend it. Although, it may just be the cheapest option.

Spearfishing Catch Bag

3. Armor Lionfish Catch Bag

A step up from a typical spearfishing catch bag. This bag is built puncture resistant so you minimize the risk of an accidental poke! That doesn’t mean it won’t happen, of course.

We tend to find the danger lies in inserting the lionfish into the bag – it’s a difficult maneuver getting the fish off of your spear while ensuring it won’t escape your clutch.

However, again, it’s a cheaper option than some of the other alternatives below.

Lionfish Catch Bag

Lionfish Tubes

Lionfish tubes are the best way to contain your catch, hands down. The hard, protective plastic insulates any venomous spines from accidentally poking you while securing your freshly speared lionfish!

Additionally, lionfish tubes are usually easier to safely insert your catch – fewer stings! A good thing, if you ask me. Typically, a trap door or a funnel are used on one end of the tube so the lionfish goes in and cannot come back out!

A few brands exist but these two stand out from the rest:

man and woman putting lionfish in zookeeper
A lionfish tube is the best containment unit for your catch!

2. Lionfish Tamer

The Lionfish Tamer is the cheaper option of lionfish containment tubes. It’s an affordable price for a good product. It essentially takes the concept of a lobster bag and applies it to a lionfish tube – implementing a one way trap door.

On the back end, a handy clip can be removed to easily pour your lionfish directly into your cooler.

Lion Tamer Lionfish Hotel Container

1. Zookeeper Lionfish Containment Unit

The premier lionfish containment unit: the infamous Zookeeper. The gentleman who invented this contraption nailed the patent – nobody will be able to come close to developing such a good product.

And as such, you’re going to get what you pay for. The Zookeeper is the most expensive option but it’s an essential component to any serious Lionfish Hunter’s outfit.

Easy and safe insertion? Check. Potential for getting stung? Essentially zero. Streamlined? You’d be surprised how easy you’ll move. Don’t hesitate to invest in this great piece of equipment.

Zookeeper Lionfish Containment Unit

Make Your Own Lionfish Containment Unit

We rocked this option for a long time before taking the plunge into investing in the Zookeeper. It’s extremely cost effective, fun to make, and works just as well as most other options. Just see it in action for yourself:

The negatives? It is rather bulky, lacks any sort of streamline, and runs the slight risk of an accidental sting. Honestly, it’ll be as good as you can make it.

We’re in the works of writing a post about how to make your own lionfish containment unit soon, so stay tuned for more!

homemade lionfish container
Stay tuned to learn a DIY lionfish container!

Search for More Lionfish Hunting Gear

If you’re looking for even more lionfish hunting gear, we recommend heading to our friends at the House of Scuba. They have a wide selection of fun items to complete your lionfish hunting equipment collection.

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Read More About Lionfish Hunting Gear

We hope you enjoyed our post on selecting the best lionfish containment unit. Hopefully you’ll find it useful on your next adventure! Here are a few more ocean-loving articles we think you should read next:

What lionfish containment unit do you use? Leave a comment below and let us know!

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