spearfishing lionfish on a deep dive in fort lauderdale

What to Do When You Miss Your Shot While Hunting Lionfish

It happens to the best of us: you miss your shot when hunting for lionfish. Frustrating. However, keep your composure, what you do next is super important.

spearfishing lionfish on a deep dive in fort lauderdale

After scanning the coral reef during your dive you finally set your gaze upon your target; the white-tipped fins peering out from under the ledge were a dead giveaway.

You approach your prey slow and steady to not disturb the unassuming fish. It doesn’t budge an inch – after all, they have no natural predators in the Western Atlantic, so why would it?

You load your pole spear and achieve peak neutral buoyancy. The spear is aimed just a few inches from its impending target. This should be a bullseye.

You let it fly! Dinner is sure to be on the table tonight. But something went wrong! What should have been a direct hit seemed to sail elsewhere completely missing the lionfish you’ve been hopefully searching for! What the hell?!

Now instead of the instant gratification of removing an invasive species from the environment, you’re left in shock and awe wondering how in the world that lionfish got away from its impending doom. Not good.

So what’s next? Did it get away? Should you chase it? After all, it’s an invasive species, we need to remove this thing. What should you do?

What to Do When You Miss Your Shot While Hunting Lionfish

It’s frustrating, to say the least. In fact, most times I let out an audible scream underwater when it happens. But I can’t say I recommend doing exactly that. However, here are some better options for when you miss your shot while hunting lionfish:

1. Keep your composure.

First and foremost, remain calm. It’s not over yet. Besides, keeping your composure is key while scuba diving, anyway.

This will allow you keep a clear head, act accordingly, and prevent yourself from doing anything hazardous, dangerous, or ill-advised. Keeping your composure will go a long way.

woman with pole spear spearfishing lionfish in florida

2. Have your buddy track where it goes.

If it’s the first time the lionfish has been shot at, not all hope is lost. Sometimes they’ll calmly swim away as they may not realize exactly what is happening.

This is when your dive buddy comes in. While you’re kicking and screaming they can track it as it swims away – giving you a potential opportunity for a second shot.

drift dive in jupiter florida during grouper aggregration

3. Take a second shot if it presents itself.

Hence tips #1 and #2: if you keep your composure, track where it goes, the fish may present you a second opportunity. However, only take the shot if it’s clearly lined up. Don’t shoot into nothingness or in a deep hole hoping that you’ll peg the thing. You’ll do more damage than good.

lionfish on a spear while freediving

4. Know when to quit.

Again, you can track the lionfish, take a second shot if it presents itself, but if neither of those work: know when to quit.

Some times you just need to take the loss. I know, it sucks. But oftentimes your constant pursuit and failed shots will only worsen the situation.


The lionfish has now learned that it has a predator. Meaning, the next time a diver comes by the lionfish will spook and retreat into deeper territory where no one will be able to remove it. Not good.

The result? An irremovable invasive species that’s wreaking havoc upon our coral reefs and natural ecosystems. So again, it’s extremely important to know when to quit because it does get to a point where you’re doing more harm than good.

lionfish hiding under ledge hammerhead reef in fort lauderdale

5. Plot revenge. (Kidding. Sort of…)

When I miss a lionfish it sticks with me. So much to the point that I plot revenge on the thing. I can’t wait until I get the chance to get another shot at it in a few days or weeks.

Just me? That’s fine. Maybe it’s best to disregard this last tip then.

lionfish hunting in south florida

What to Do When You Miss Your Shot While Hunting Lionfish: Final Thoughts

Frustrating, tire kicking and vengeful. Missing a lionfish is the worst. But keep a cool head, it’s not over.

  • Track the lionfish the best you can.
  • Take a second shot if it presents itself.
  • Know when to quit – which may be after your first shot. Unfortunately, we can’t always get them all.
  • Seek revenge. Only for those like me, though.

Happy hunting, explorers!

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what to do when you miss your shot hunting lionfish
what to do when you miss a lionfish while hunting

Read More About Lionfish Hunting

We hope you enjoyed our post on what to do when you miss your shot on a lionfish. Hopefully you’ll find it useful on your next adventure! Here are a few more ocean-loving articles we think you should read next:

Have you ever missed a lionfish? Frustrating, isn’t it? Let us know your craziest lionfish story below in a comment! We’d love to hear from you!

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